We are seeking someone to fill the vacant At-Large position on the RI Democratic Women's Caucus Executive Committee. With the recent election of Samantha Weiser to Chair, we now have a vacancy to fill.
In addition to core Executive Committee duties, the duties of an at-large committee member include responsibility for critical organizational functions, such as:
Membership Engagement, and
Legislative Oversight and Liaison.
We are especially seeking people interested and able to help with communications.
As outlined our bylaws, the person to fill this vacancy will be selected by the Executive Committee.
If you are interested in this role, or if you would like to recommend someone for the position, please email RIDWomensCaucus@gmail.com. Note your qualifications and interest, or the qualifications and interests of the person you're recommended.
Applicants must be a voting member of the caucus. If you're unsure of your status as a voting member, let us know in the email and we can verify it for you.