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Who We Are


The Women's Caucus mission is to impact government and political processes in order to ensure equality in power, influence, and economic status for those who identify as and with women. We will do this by (a) recruiting and supporting candidates in all levels of government and (b) advocating for Democratic principles consistent with the Democratic Party platform.


Any Democrat in the state of Rhode Island who supports the mission of the Caucus can be a member.




Chair: Donnie Anderson

Vice Chair Cynthia Mendes

Secretary: Stephanie Beaute

Treasurer: Pearl Holloway

Providence County Rep: Adamaris Villar

Washington County Rep:  Jeanine Calkin

Newport County Rep: Linda Ujifusa

Western RI Rep: Lauren Neidel

South  County: Jen Douglas

Bristol County: Clara Read

At-Large: Joanne D'Adamo

At-Large: Diane Hill


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