If you are a candidate who missed applying for the the RI Democratic Women's Caucus endorsement (or support as a male ally) during the Primary and you would like to seek our support for the General Election, the application process is re-openedd from Wednesday, September 8 until Sunday, September 13. The application link is available here: https://forms.gle/WL6GiNRWZLLdpksz5
A reminder that candidates seeking Women's Caucus support during this election cycle must be members of the Caucus. (This includes associate members who do not qualify for an official endorsement.) If you are unsure if you are a member, contact our Membership chair, Joanne Dadamo, at: joannedadamo5@gmail.com to confirm. You can join the Caucus at: https://www.ridwomenscaucus.com/member-signup