We're looking to hire paid canvassers to work for key campaigns in the coming primary races. If you or someone you know is available to canvass, contact us by email or phone. We're looking to hire people ASAP and will pay canvassers $15/hour. Even if it's just a few hours that you or someone you know is available, please get in touch! Please also share this information with anyone you think may be interested. Email: RIDWomensCaucus@gmail.com Phone: 401-284-7439 If you cannot canvass, there are PLENTY of other volunteer opportunities for our endorsed candidates. Be sure to follow the RI Democratic Women's Caucus on social media, especially our Twitter and Facebook accounts, for information. Follow all our candidates, too! See our latest email for LOTS more Primary information: https://mailchi.mp/0e9a8c286c9f/paid-canvassers
Seeking PAID Canvassers for Key Primary Races
Updated: Mar 13, 2021